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Four Different Types Of Disclosure

Dissemination is a type of transmission of messages between living beings. Culture, education, religions, politics, customs, social acceptance, certain dynamics such as sports, music, art, sciences, and all forms of interaction intervene in this communicative process.

Without disclosure, interpersonal relationships would not exist, hence its terminology indicates that it is not an exclusive or private process. It is a constant communication between societies.

4 Types of disclosure:

The massive disclosure

The media play a fundamental role in dissemination, being the promoters of the transmission of content throughout the world.

Some people reside in other countries and manage to talk via video call with their relatives who are in another city or country, this is what the digital dissemination of content refers to.

Disclosure without verification

Disclosure is bringing to light information that was private for certification reasons.

However, disseminating also refers to expanding content until it becomes massive through public speaking, without opting to verify the message. Therefore, disclosure, if not handled prudently, can turn into rumors or falsehoods.

Everyday outreach

In everyday conversations it can be disclosed when various information is transmitted in the same conversation. Dissemination is sharing a message with a community. As a synonym for sharing, spreading, expanding a message. Dissemination in society is spreading content until it becomes viral.

Scientific dissemination

In science, dissemination is used to disseminate the content of a specific subject with a group of people who require that information, for example, disseminating the content of research on the planets.

The term disclosure also refers to a fragment of the message, that is, not to the complete information, for example: “it is reported that there is a lot of traffic” since to disclose is to air information, whether official or not, hence the danger that the message is correct or there is no evidence to certify it.

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