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Difference Between Nocturnal And Diurnal Animals

In this article, learn the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals, their difference and comparisons, and much more. Let’s dive into the topic and explore the key points about the differences between each.

Difference Between Nocturnal And Diurnal Animals

In nature, there are two main types of animals: nocturnal and diurnal. Nocturnal animals are most active at night, while diurnal animals are most active during the day.

Each type of animal has evolved to adapt to its environment and lifestyle, resulting in a variety of differences between them.

What is The Difference Between Nocturnal And Diurnal Animals?

What are nocturnal animals?

Nocturnal animals are those that are most active at night. They have developed special abilities to move and find food in the dark, such as better night vision and sharper hearing.

Nocturnal animals also tend to be more solitary and territorial, as most species cannot communicate as effectively as diurnal animals.

Some examples of nocturnal animals are the owl, bat, fox, opossum, and snake.

What are diurnal animals?

Diurnal animals are those that are most active during the day. They are adapted to a light environment, and have developed special abilities such as better daytime vision and less sensitive hearing.

Diurnal animals are typically more social than nocturnal animals and often live in groups, allowing them to communicate and hunt more effectively. Some examples of diurnal animals are the lion, tiger, elephant, monkey and kangaroo.

Difference Between Nocturnal And Diurnal Animals In Tabular Form

Properties: Nocturnal animals Diurnal Animals
Activity schedule Active during the night Active during the day
Eyes Big and round Small and oval
Ear Sharp and sensitive less sensitive
Skin and coat color Darker and spotted Clearer and more uniform
Feeding Carnivores and herbivores Omnivores
Behavior loneliest More social
Habitat Caverns, forests, jungles Savannahs, grasslands, open forests


The differences between nocturnal and diurnal animals are numerous and notable. Each type of animal has evolved to adapt to its environment and lifestyle, resulting in a variety of differences in its physical appearance, behavior, and habitat.

While both types of animals have their advantages and disadvantages, each has found its niche in the wild and continues to thrive on its own schedule of activity.

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