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Difference Between Attitude And Behavior

In this article, explore the main difference between attitude and behavior. In this post, I have clearly mentioned the key points that help to distinguish each other in the tabular form. Let’s dive in..!

Difference Between Attitude And Behavior

The main difference is that Attitude refers to a person’s thoughts and feelings toward something or someone, while behavior refers to the actions a person takes.

Attitude can be positive or negative, conscious or unconscious, and does not always translate into actions, while the behavior is always observable, measurable and conscious, and translates into actions.

What is the Difference Between Attitude And Behavior?

What is attitude?

Attitude is a mental evaluation that a person makes of something or someone. It can be positive or negative, and can influence the way a person thinks and behaves in relation to the object of his or her attitude.

Attitudes can be conscious or unconscious and can be the result of experience, education, culture, beliefs and values.

What is behavior?

Behavior is the way a person behaves or acts in relation to the world around them. It is observable and measurable and is always conscious.

Behavior can be influenced by many things, including a person’s attitude, their environment, and their past experiences.

Difference Between Attitude And Behavior In Tabular Form

Attitude Behavior
Refers to a person’s thoughts and feelings It refers to the actions that a person performs
It can be positive or negative Can be observable and measurable
It can be conscious or unconscious is always aware
Does not always translate into actions It always translates into actions


In short, although attitude and behavior are related, they are two different concepts. Attitude refers to the thoughts and feelings a person has toward something or someone, while behavior refers to the actions a person takes.

Although an attitude can influence a person’s behavior, this is not always the case. It is important to understand the difference between these two concepts in order to better understand how people interact with the world around them.

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