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Difference Between Science And Discipline

Discipline is a term that refers to knowledge, it can be used to refer to a set or ordered system of knowledge,.

Science is a system of structured knowledge that studies, investigates, and interprets artificial, social, and natural phenomena.

Difference Between Science And Discipline


It is an ordered system of structured knowledge that aims to study, interpret, and investigate natural, artificial, and social phenomena. Scientific knowledge is obtained through observations and experiments in defined areas; this knowledge must be organized and classified.

Science is designated as all knowledge that is acquired through study or practice, consisting of laws and principles, structured for understanding and deduced through observation and reasoning.

The origin of the word science comes from the Latin word scientĭa, which means “knowledge”, or “to know”.


The term discipline has various definitions or acceptances. One of them defines it as the coordination of attitudes in order to follow a certain code of conduct. It defines the orderly and systematic way of doing things, following strict rules and regulations.

Discipline also defines a field of structured knowledge that shares principles, methods and objectives, such as mathematics, a sport, physics or chemistry.

The word discipline comes from the Latin discipulus, which means disciple, so it is a word that corresponds to knowledge and the relationship between authority-subordination necessary for discipline.

Difference between science and discipline

  • The term science comes from the Latin “scientia” , which means knowledge.
  • Science is knowledge obtained through observing patterns, reasoning and experimenting in specific fields.
  • The term discipline comes from the Latin “discipulus”, which means disciple and refers to learning.
  • A science is a branch of knowledge or higher study. It is the orderly and systematized way of applying oneself to the study of an area of ​​knowledge.
  • The discipline is made up of a set of scientific and non-scientific knowledge. Furthermore, it disseminates knowledge and can be subjective.
  • Science produces knowledge and is made up only of that which is verifiable.
  • Science is objective.

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