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What is The Difference Between Indigenous And Tribal?

The main difference between indigenous and tribal is that indigenous refers to being a member of the original inhabitants of a given place, while tribal refers to being a member of a tribe, a different people who share an ancestor, a culture, some beliefs, some common customs, and traditions.

Indigenous and tribal are two closely related terms. Both refer to groups of people who share certain qualities and characteristics and who are distinguished from mainstream society.

What does indigenous mean?

Indigenous is an adjective that means “produced, living or existing naturally in a particular region or environment.”

We generally use this word to describe plants, animals, and people. Indigenous people are a group of people native to a specific place.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines indigenous as “a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place,” and the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “originating or occurring naturally in a particular place.”

In general, these definitions underline the aspect of geography; indigenous people are specific to a specific place or region.

Although the term indigenous is usually used synonymously with aboriginal and native, it refers primarily to the native peoples of America.

Indigenous is the more accepted, commonly used and politically correct term of the two: aboriginal and native.

Organizations such as the United Nations, as well as government institutions, often use the term indigenous.

However, finding out the name preferred by the particular group of people you are referring to and using that name rather than using general terms such as Aboriginal and Indigenous is always a better and more respectful way to approach this issue.

What does tribal mean?

The adjective tribal means “showing loyalty to a tribe, group, or tribal values.” A tribe is a social group that has certain characteristics and qualities that make it a unique social, cultural and political entity.

Typically, people who belong to this group share common ancestors, culture, beliefs, customs, and traditions.

Furthermore, a primary characteristic of a tribe is its unity. Tribes share unity with each other, with the land they live on, as well as with their past.

Most tribes are completely self-sufficient and do not depend on the government for politics or money. They live off the land and earn money by selling the goods they produce. Furthermore, tribes usually know their land well and stay there as much as possible.

Although tribes live near other tribes, they have the common respect of staying within their boundaries (unless they are at war).

Another main characteristic is that most common communities have a common totem ancestor or totem, an object that has importance to the people.

As tribes have a common ancestor, their totems represent those who started their original tribe. They can also worship this totem. More importantly, tribal people are not integrated into mainstream society.

Difference between indigenous and tribal


Indigenous refers to being a member of the original inhabitants of a specific place, while tribal refers to being a member of a tribe, a distinct people who share a common ancestor, culture, beliefs, customs and traditions.


Indigenous peoples refer to the descendants of those who inhabited geographic regions at the time of colonization, conquest, or the establishment of current state borders.

Tribal people, on the other hand, are people whose cultural, social and economic conditions differ from other sectors of the national community.

Difference Between Indigenous And Tribal In Tabular Form

Indigenous Tribal
Indigenous refers to being a member of the original inhabitants of a given place. Tribal refers to being a member of a tribe, a distinct people who share a common ancestor, culture, beliefs, customs and traditions.
The descendants of those who inhabited geographic regions at the time of colonization, conquest or the establishment of current state borders. People whose cultural, social and economic conditions differ from other sectors of the national community.


The main difference between indigenous and tribal is that indigenous refers to being a member of the original inhabitants of a specific place, while tribal refers to being a member of a tribe, a different people who share an ancestor, a culture, some beliefs, some common customs and traditions.

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